Here is my final guy, he is made out of clay, and his arms are cinnamon sticks.
Hi my name is Easton Hanson and i am in 8Th grade. The reason why i decided to choose the apple for my icon is because i thought i should choose something most people would not be buying as much of other flavors from chex. So i thought if i picked to draw an icon for apple cinnamon chex because most people probably haven't had it before and i thought it was a cool idea for it to have a cute little apple for it. I love anything to do with makeup and fashion. My favorite show and books are Pretty Little Liars. I also love to draw and paint a lot and if i have free time that is what i most likely i will be doing.
Comments (3)
mwiste said
at 2:06 pm on Apr 24, 2014
What if he leaves a trail of cinnamon crumbles everywhere he goes?
Barbara Bridges said
at 11:10 am on Apr 25, 2014
Hi! Post your biography first so I can learn a little bit about your interests related to this project. What do you like to read? What is your favorite movie? Video game? What is your proudest accomplishment or unique thing about you? What is your favorite food . Always Explain WHY...don not just make a list!
Barbara Bridges said
at 5:08 pm on May 12, 2014
I need to see this in color. How will you go to the next step? 3-D? Pixels?
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