

Page history last edited by mwiste 10 years, 4 months ago

 Icon Lesson


 Hi. This is a picture of me, Barbara Bridges. Most of my students call me Dr. B.  That means I have a degree to train teachers. Do not ask me to fix your broken arm, it won't go well!  I would like to invite you to put a picture of yourself on YOUR page and tell us a little about your personal interests. You are going to join the world of professional artists so you will need a an artist biography.  Here is mine:  Bridges Bio



Each student starts with their own IDEA BOOK Student Idea Book

Make sure to complete ALL components of the Student Idea Book to be eligible for review.  


Morgan Mudgett 7th grade

Samuel Scheuss 8th grade

Mason Fritz 8th grade

Breanna Rhodes 8th grade

Corrie Bahr 7th grade

Jordan Goddard 7th grade

Zachary Iverson 6th grade

Hailey Halverson 6th grade

Grant Kotaska 6th grade

Ty English 5th grade

Rita Ganley 5th grade

Brooklyn Dean 5th grade

Collin Yahn 5th grade

Easton Hanson 8th grade

Kiana Thompson 7th grade

Madeline Sherman 6th



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